7 Remainder of title
MARC: 245b
7.1 Complete Dataset Overview
Original documents with title_remainders: 477579 / 1229925 (38.8%)
Original documents with missing (NA) title_remainders 752346 / 1229925 documents (61.2%)
Unique discarded entries in original data: 0
Download title_remainder field harmonized dataset
7.1.1 Top-20 title_remainders
Remainder of title | Entries (n) | Fraction (%) |
romaani | 7312 | 0.6 |
suunnistuskartta | 3549 | 0.3 |
runoja | 3284 | 0.3 |
peruskartta 1:20000 = grundkarta 1:20000 | 2977 | 0.2 |
roman | 1678 | 0.1 |
grundkarta 1:25000 = basic map 1:25000 | 1272 | 0.1 |
grundkarta 1:20000 | 1241 | 0.1 |
erotisk novell | 1121 | 0.1 |
jännitysromaani | 1082 | 0.1 |
eroottinen novelli | 968 | 0.1 |
7.1.2 Top-20 remainders of title for “Language material” content type
In the Fennica dataset, language material makes up the majority of the content, comprising 91.6% of the entire dataset. This includes written texts, documents, books, articles, and any other content primarily composed of language. The remaining 8.4% consists of non-language material, such as maps, music, computer files, and other types of content that do not primarily rely on language. For a more detailed breakdown of the different types of content within the dataset.
Remainder of Title | Entries (n) | Fraction (%) |
romaani | 7219 | 0.6 |
runoja | 3253 | 0.3 |
roman | 1675 | 0.1 |
jännitysromaani | 1050 | 0.1 |
loppuraportti | 909 | 0.1 |
kuunnelma | 743 | 0.1 |
salapoliisiromaani | 648 | 0.1 |
erotisk novell | 579 | 0 |
novelleja | 575 | 0 |
eroottinen novelli | 487 | 0 |
7.1.3 Remainder of Title Length Over Time (1488-2020)
This plot visualizes the variation in title_remainder lengths across publication decades from 1488 to 2020. The title_remainder lengths range from 1 to859 , highlighting how the length of title_remainders has evolved over time.N = 1229925.
7.1.4 Remainder of Title Word Count Over Time (1488-2020)
This plot visualizes the variation in title_remainder word counts across publication decades from 1488 to 2020. The title_remainder lengths range from 1 to137 , highlighting how the length of title_remainders has evolved over time.N = 1229925.
7.2 Subset Analysis: 1809-1917
Unique accepted entries (1809-1917): 16667
Original documents with non-NA title_remainders: 23840 / 66890 (35.6%)
Original documents with missing (NA) title_remainders 43050 / 66890 documents (64.4%)
Download title_remainder field harmonized dataset(1809-1917)
7.2.1 Top-20 title_remainders for years 1809-1917
Remainder of title | Entries (n) | Fraction (%) |
romaani | 220 | 0.3 |
roman | 152 | 0.2 |
kertomus | 133 | 0.2 |
esitelmä | 89 | 0.1 |
berättelse | 88 | 0.1 |
yksinäytöksinen huvinäytelmä | 84 | 0.1 |
kansakouluja varten | 77 | 0.1 |
runoja | 75 | 0.1 |
1810-1944 | 68 | 0.1 |
en samling sånger | 65 | 0.1 |
7.2.2 Top-20 title_remainders for years 1809-1917 period / “Language material” content type
Remainder of title | Entries (n) | Fraction (%) |
romaani | 220 | 0.3 |
roman | 152 | 0.2 |
kertomus | 133 | 0.2 |
esitelmä | 89 | 0.1 |
berättelse | 88 | 0.1 |
yksinäytöksinen huvinäytelmä | 84 | 0.1 |
kansakouluja varten | 77 | 0.1 |
runoja | 75 | 0.1 |
en samling sånger | 65 | 0.1 |
novell | 60 | 0.1 |
7.2.3 title_remainder Length Over Time (1809-1917)
This plot visualizes the variation in title_remainder lengths across publication years from 1809 to 1917. The title_remainder lengths range from 1 to859. N = 66890.
7.2.4 title_remainder Word Count (1809-1917)
This plot visualizes the variation in title_remainder lengths across publication years from 1809 to 1917. The title_remainder lengths range from 1 to135. N = 66890.